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Like a hobo

Récupérer ma force … et suivre la ligne …

I’ve always known
Since I was a young boy
In this world, everything’s as good as bad
Now my father told me always speak a true word
And I have to say that is the best advice I’ve had
Because something burns inside of me
It’s everything I long to be
And lies they only stop me from feeling free


Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing’s gonna stop me
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing’s gonna stop me

I’ve never yearned for anybody’s fortune
The less I have the more I am a happy man
Now my mother told me always keep your head on
Because some may praise you just to get what they want
And I said mama I am not afraid
They will take what they will take
And what would life be like without a few mistakes

Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing’s gonna stop me
Like a hobo from a broken home
Nothing’s gonna stop me

Charlie Winston

Published inBackground

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