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Sad Lisa …

Pygmalion avait trop écouté Cat Stevens, durant sa jeunesse à Constantine.
Depuis le silence est devenu bien trop dense.

tea for the tillman

She hangs her head and cries on my shirt.
She must be hurt very badly.
Tell me what’s making you sadly?
Open your door, don’t hide in the dark.
You’re lost in the dark, you can trust me.
’cause you know that’s how it must be.

Lisa lisa, sad lisa lisa.

Her eyes like windows, tricklin’ rain
Upon her pain getting deeper.
Though my love wants to relieve her.
She walks alone from wall to wall.
Lost in a hall, she can’t hear me.
Though I know she likes to be near me.

Lisa lisa, sad lisa lisa.

She sits in a corner by the door.
There must be more I can tell her.
If she really wants me to help her.
I’ll do what I can to show her the way.
And maybe one day I will free her.
Though I know no one can see her.

Lisa lisa, sad lisa lisa.« 

Published inBackgroundHombreMémoireMusique

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